“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the
name of the LORD our God.”
On so many issues, we Christians tend to erroneously look for
worldly solutions. Often we look to men
and women as the hope of the future.
Friends, let us be reminded that our hope is in Christ Jesus. There is no human strength, no human wisdom, no
human invention, and no human riches that can surpass the omniscience and omnipotence
of our loving God.
“I do not restrict this [verse 7] to the enemies of Israel,
as is done by other interpreters. I am rather inclined to think that there is
here a comparison between the people of God and all the rest of the world. We
see how natural it is to almost all men to be the more courageous and confident
the more they possess of riches, power and military forces. The people of God,
therefore, here protest that they do not place their hope, as is the usual way
with men, in their military forces and warlike apparatus, but only in the aid
of God. As the Holy Spirit here sets the assistance of God in opposition to
human strength, it ought to be particularly noticed, that whenever our minds
come to be occupied by carnal confidence, they fall at the same time into a
forgetfulness of God. It is impossible for him, who promises himself victory by
confiding in his own strength, to have his eyes turned towards God. The
inspired writer, therefore, uses the word remember, to show, that when
the saints betake themselves to God, they must cast off every thing which would
hinder them from placing an exclusive trust in him. This remembrance of God
serves two important purposes to the faithful. In the first place, however much
power and resources they may possess, it nevertheless withdraws them from all
vain confidence, so that they do not expect any success except from the pure
grace of God. In the second place, if they are bereft and utterly destitute of
all succor, it notwithstanding so strengthens and encourages them, that they
call upon God both with confidence and constancy.” (John Calvin)
Take a moment to compare this concept with that of a violent
religion. The most violent religion currently
on the earth requires its devotees to kill others in order to usher in their
messiah. Their weapons and armaments are
their strength. Their ‘god’ depends upon
them to take up ‘chariots and horses.’
“On the other hand, when ungodly men feel themselves strong
and powerful, being blinded with pride, they do not hesitate boldly to despise
God; but when they are brought into circumstances of distress, they are so
terrified as not to know what to become.” (John Calvin)
While it is a significant issue of who becomes president in
2016, our trust is not in the president.
It is by the grace of God that we are saved, and it is by the hand of
God that we have victory: militarily, financially, medically, and spiritually. Friends, it certainly appears that we are
headed for more difficult times, however, remember in whom we are to place our
trust. Call upon His name. To hope upon anything else is to hope in
vain. In the event that we have arms or
weapons, do not take confidence in them, rather take confidence in the aid of our
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. “In
short, the Holy Spirit here recommends to us the remembrance of God, which,
retaining its efficacy both in the want and in the abundance of power, subdues
the vain hopes with which the flesh is wont to be inflated.” (John Calvin)
May you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ.
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