Wednesday, April 1, 2015

In Whom Do You Believe? – 2 Timothy 1:12

“For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.”

Chuck Smith made the following statement about this verse that greatly impacted the strength of my faith.  He said: 
“Now notice, he didn't say I know what I believe. Now there's a lot of people today say, ‘well I know what I believe. You know, I believe in the Orthodoxy. I believe in the Apostle's Creed. I believe…’ and they know what they believe. But it's not what you believe or in what you believe but it's in whom you believe that's important. "I know in whom I have believed."   I have committed my life to Him. I am persuaded He's able to keep it. I know in whom I have believed. Correct orthodoxy is important, but a Creed can't save you, only Jesus Christ can save you. It's not belief in a system. It's not belief in a religion. It's not belief in a doctrinal position. It's belief in a person that brings salvation. It's the belief in Jesus Christ. And so we know, we need to know in whom we have believed.”

Until you know Jesus, until you can answer his question “But who do you say that I am?” (Matthew 16:15), until you have a deep, personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, the doctrine we are taught lacks power.  It lacks power against sin, against fear, against the burdens of this world.  When God and His glory become our great truth and focus, then we can have a real boldness in our lives. 

When I was a young teenager (which was well before cell phones and iPods), I had a bone infection in my leg that went undiagnosed for far too long.  Once diagnosed, my mother had to drive me over five hours to get to the Navy hospital in Oakland for more tests and, unknown to me, to see if they could save my leg.  We traveled in our VW Karmann-Ghia that had no radio.  We passed the time playing word games and singing.  I fondly remember singing the song based upon this verse – at the top of my longs.  I was having fun, spending time with mom, not in school.  Only now that I am older do I understand my mother’s tears during our singing, which she said were happy tears.

In whom do you believe?

May you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

[This post is early as we will likely be on passage on our sailboat and will not have internet on Saturday.  In the meantime, have a most blessed Resurrection Day!]

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Often times we can get so caught up, and put so much energy in the mechanics of doctrine, or the defining of term. Yes, it is important to know what we believe, and be able to defend it. However, the assurance of eternity does rest in the who.. This post is a good reminder of that. May he be glorified in all the earth!
